Scalar Types


64-bit value uniquely identifying a datapath.

Canonical Type: String

Canonical Form: “hh:hh:hh:hh:hh:hh:hh:hh”

Acceptable Forms:
“0x0102” -> “00:00:00:00:00:00:01:02” (String must begin with “0x”)

Reference: Datapath ID (OF_v1.5.1: Section 7.3.1)


14-bit vlan vid.

0 means no VLAN tag is present. 1-4095 specifies a VLAN tag value. 4096 specifies VLAN tag value of 0.

For compatibility with the OpenFlow spec, 4096-8191 also specify VLAN tags 0-4095.

Negative integers represent a non-zero vlan_vid which does not have the OFPVID_PRESENT bit set.

Canonical Type: Integer

Canonical Form: SInt32

Mixed Types

A mixed type may be either an JSON integer or string. Strings are used for reserved constants in the canonical form.


32-bit port number.

Canonical Type: Integer or String

Canonical Form: UInt32 | “IN_PORT” | “TABLE” | “NORMAL” | “FLOOD” | “ALL” | “CONTROLLER” | “LOCAL” | “ANY” | “NONE”